17 Sep 2024

Tellus Kimya's Training and Development Programmes

Tellus Kimya, an important actor in the chemical industry, attaches great importance to the professional development of its employees. Training and development programmes aim to support human resources, the most valuable asset of the company, and increase its competitive power in the sector. In this context, Tellus Kimya continues to improve the knowledge and skills of its employees by offering various initiatives and trainings.

Tellus Kimya offers a wide range of training modules to meet the needs of its employees. These modules include topics such as safe use of chemical products, environmental management, quality control and customer relations. Trainings are organised at different levels for both beginners and experienced employees. This ensures that each employee has access to information appropriate to their level.

Training programmes are carried out in cooperation with expert trainers and consultants. These experts provide employees with the best practices and up-to-date information in the sector. The content of the training programmes is regularly updated to adapt to ever-changing market conditions and sectoral innovations. Thus, employees always have access to the most up-to-date information.

In addition to theoretical information, Tellus Kimya also organises practical applications and workshops. These practices allow employees to experience what they have learnt in a real business environment. Practical trainings ensure that knowledge and skills become permanent and encourage teamwork. In addition, it strengthens communication between employees and increases the spirit of co-operation.

Tellus Kimya also offers mentoring programmes to support the career development of its employees. Experienced employees guide newer ones and contribute to their professional development. These mentoring processes help employees to determine their career goals, guide them and increase their motivation.

Training and development programmes are supported by regular performance evaluation processes. Employees' development areas are identified and personal training plans are created accordingly. Thanks to performance feedback, employees have the opportunity to improve themselves. In addition, this process contributes to increasing the overall productivity of the company.

Tellus Kimya aims to create an environment that encourages a culture of continuous learning. Employees have access to resources such as various online courses, seminars and conferences to support their personal and professional development. The learning platforms offered by the company make it possible for employees to receive training at their own pace.

Tellus Kimya aims to increase the professional competencies of its employees through training and development programmes. The company's training policies reinforce its competitiveness in the sector through cooperation with expert trainers, practical applications, mentoring and continuous learning opportunities. Prioritising the development of its employees, Tellus Kimya will continue to invest in this area in the future and adopt the best practices in the sector.